Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Foundation, mascara, compac, liner putting all together..yes I'm pretty. Underneath lies my UGLY face. Ugly face I come across when the glam goes off. Deeds bang back which I'm not proud of comes on my ugly face. Times when I made you cry..you saw my ugly face. Words hurt hard, tears rolled that's why I have a ugly face. The face I hide from the world. When the make-up is gone lies the skeleton of truth revealing my ugly face.. Were I'm ugly from the beginning? 
Innocent was my face, glimmered my eyes, smile as tender as grass I walked in my own utopia. And there awaited a dark knight ready to engulf me and leave me a scar..Made me Ugly.. dreadful. 
Time forgets it all..I wore my veil so long. .How it was without that..Can I forget that??? 
Pages of history turned back shown me It's not me...I'm just a doll with NO-Strings attached ..It only might seem..But if the strings are followed takes you to a rotten, withered past still alive to tether me, burn me in my own sins...Sins of past, cries unheard made me Beautiful today..The grave I cut for myself , the moments shattered will never be same...The mask I wear ..The lights fall on me show me I'm pretty..
Pretty...Yes! I'm pretty..



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